
Zoetis QuickVet COAG PT/aPTT combo, 1 test


QuickVet COAG PT / aPTT Combo test. Rask og enkel klinikkprøve for testing av blødningsavvik hos hunder og katter. Resultatet av testen på omtrent 15 minutter fra blodprøvetaking (citratstabilisert blod). Testresultatet gir en verdifull oversikt over funksjonaliteten til pasientens koagulasjonskaskade. Testen må analyseres på QuickVet Analyzer

Ordrer med kjølevarer sendes mandag eller tirsdag for å sikre at de leveres i brukbar stand.

The unique PT/aPTT Combo cartridge provides results immediately—when you need them the most.
Performs aPTT and PT, compared to just the ACT test on other analyzers, using citrated blood.
Tests abnormalities in intrinsic, extrinsic and common pathways.
Test time on normal sample is only 6-7 min.
Uses only one test cartridge, compared to other systems using 2 cartridges, to reduce “hands on time”.
Enables you to include COAG testing in your pre-op screening due to ease and speed of test.
Designed and validated for veterinary use on canine and feline patients.
Uses gold standard end point fibrin clot detection.
Weight including packaging in kg
Replacement item number