Why is Manuka honey so magical?
Because it contains Methyl Glyoxal (MGO), which is unique since it continues to work antibacterial even after Hydrogen Peroxide wears out. Clean wounds are essential for faster animal wound healing.

Look out for this stamp!
Our new MGO 300+ stamp on our Manuka products is your guarantee for very high MGO activity and medical grade honey.

Sweet Knowledge
The Healing Power of Honey
Want to learn more about medicinal honey and wound healing?
√ History of medicinal honey
√ Four stages of wound healing
√ Manuka honey for wound care
Read all about ”The Healing Powers of Honey” (Vet Candy)
We are not first movers!
Humans have used honey for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. There are even cave paintings about it. KRUUSE Manuka Honey works antibacterial, which is essential for faster wound healing.
Watch Veterinary surgeon, Dr. Courtney Campbell webinar
Honey to your ears
Listen in as Dr. Jen and Dr. Jason Chatfield, along with board certified veterinary surgeon Dr. Courtney Campbell, walk through the science and medicine of honey.
Listen to Podcast