Soft Tissue Surgery Webinar

Learn basic operation technique with Pilar Lafuente DVM, PhD
Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery
Royal Veterinary College

Various suture patterns on gastrointestinal and bladder segments will be presented.

You will learn about all the relevant suture patterns from basic simple interrupted and simple continuous pattern, to more advanced patterns such as Cushing, Lembert or Mattress patterns, and see how different knotting techniques are being used.

We will also show you where and when the different types of sutures will be applied.


Improve your Suture Techniques

Learn the basic suture techniques from KRUUSE Product Manager, DVM, Rikke Jarlkvist. See a demonstration of all the technical aspects you need to cosmetically close different types of wounds.

Intradermal Video



Horizontal Matrass

Simple Continuous

Simple Interrupted