Minimize work-related pain

Are you lifting or pulling/pushing
your patients?

Learn more about the basic principles of different methods of moving
the patients and see why you must push/pull instead of lift.

Top Hat


Rock'n Roll

Rat Trap

Rainbow Purse

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Text about lightning

  Improve range of motion

  Reduce the pain, swelling
  and complications

  Recover and resume normal activity

  Improve muscle strength

  Reduce the risk of other injuries

  Reduce the need for painkillers

  Improve muscle, nerve and
  joint function




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KRUUSE headline text

The KRUUSE Rehab Dog Blanket is a top quality blanket made from water-repellent and breathable softshell material, which makes it suitable for all seasons. 

The blanket is great for dogs with joint stiffness or muscle problems since it covers large parts of the legs, hips, back and shoulder.

Chairs are good for vets

The KRUUSE Sutures feature high quality, easy to use, clear labelling and a wide range of lengths and sizes making daily life in veterinary practices so much easier.

The KRUUSE Sutures are very price competitive and come in smaller packages with fewer peel packs enabling even small practices to have a wider range of sutures without making huge investments. 

The importance of training

It’s quick and easy to set up and provides the dog with mentally valuable playtime. 
An activity which is equal to going for a walk that takes at least twice the time".

Anders Hallgren Psychologist and dog psychologist

Neck stretches

Stretching in general

Elastic band excercise - facing a door

Rat Trap

Rainbow Purse

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